EDC launched the San Diego: Life. Changing. campaign to attract talent and investment to San Diego by celebrating the smart and innovative people that call this place home. For the last two years, with the help of Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc., we have celebrated the campaign with 300+ of our closest friends. And we are back for year three…

Join us August 1 for a cultural night full of local food + drinks, engaging San Diego experiences, campaign swag, and more. Hear from some of San Diego’s most iconic leaders and learn how, together, we can take San Diego: Life. Changing. to the next level.

For our 3rd annual Summer Bash, we’ll be welcoming Jeff Lunsford, president & CEO of Tealium, to the center stage for what promises to be an epic keynote. Jeff is a guy with some serious San Diego street cred. Tealium is on the brink of that highly coveted ‘unicorn’ status, thanks to its latest round of funding. Plus, Jeff’s a former naval aviator with more than two decades in the tech world and a Linkedin profile picture of him catching some waves.

We’ll also auction off a few life-changing experiences/items. Items to be announced!

Food + beverage vendors to be announced!


5 – 5:30pm: Check-in & networking reception
5:30 – 6:30pm: Program and keynotes in Illumina Theatre
6:30 – 8:30pm: Party on the lawn – live music, auction, food/drinks, and more

Register Here.





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