One in a series of COVID-19 Survival and Recovery Webinars offered by the San Diego North Economic Development Council.

August 27th from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM on Zoom

This is an unprecedented time in both commercial and residential real estate. The downturn in Q2 was the biggest downturn seen since 1929. Tenants have had to adjust to working from home, many finding that it works well for some and poorly for others. Mortgage interest rates fell to unseen levels, making home purchases for those that could afford to extremely attractive and yet COVID-19 unsettled buyers.

Join SDNEDC and some of North County’s best known leaders in real estate on August 27th at 10 a.m. to hear what changes they’re seeing in the market and what they believe the next 6, 12 and 24 months will look like. Eric Northbrook of Voit Real Estate Services will share insights into the North County commercial and industrial markets. Jonathan Frankel of New Urban West will share the perspective of a merchant residential builder and developer. Rich McEvoy from Harbor Associates will talk about what he sees from the perspective of a commercial property owner in North County and how Harbor is thinking about the near and mid-term.

If you are involved with economic development, land development, or commercial and industrial real estate, this webinar is a must see as you plan for the remainder of 2020 and start thinking about 2021.

Eric Northbrook, Voit Real Estate Services
Jonathan Frankel, New Urban West
Rich McEvoy, Harbor Associates




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